Install a development MonoGame build

Do you want to build your game with MonoGame’s latest and greatest develop branch? You don’t need to wait for official MonoGame releases.

Each time a new commit makes it into the MonoGame development branch, new builds are automatically released to the MonoGame TeamCity site. To install them into a project, you can execute the following commands. Note that some of them can take some time to complete as large files are downloaded.

  1. Add the MonoGame teamcity NuGet feed:
    dotnet nuget add source -n MonoGame
  2. From the folder with your game’s .csproj:
    dotnet add package MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL --prerelease
    dotnet add package MonoGame.Content.Builder.Task --prerelease
  3. To install the MonoGame templates:
    dotnet new --install MonoGame.Templates.CSharp::*-*
    With that you will be able to use dotnet new mgdesktopgl -o MyGame.

You can repeat step 2, 3, and 4 whenever you want to update.

Note that sometimes teamcity is down. When that happens the commands can fail.

You can also install a specific version:

dotnet add package MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL --version
dotnet add package MonoGame.Content.Builder.Task --version
dotnet new --install MonoGame.Templates.CSharp::

To remove the teamcity source from step 1, you can do:

dotnet nuget remove source MonoGame
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